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Women's Circle

Join Alia the second Friday of each month for an evening of meditation, journaling, and discussion designed to build community around important topics for women today. It's an optional potluck too, so feel free to bring something yummy to share! Priced like a regular class, so Memberships can be used!

Friday, November 8, 7pm - 8:15pm

Topic: Celebrating the Women in Your Life (Beyond Marriage and Babies!)


As women, we are constantly asked to care for the needs of others, and often expected to put our own needs last. Setting healthy boundaries to protect our physical, mental, and emotional health can be incredibly challenging, and often the source of guilt and shame. Same with prioritizing our self care - we've been trained to believe that putting ourselves first - ever - is selfish.
It's time for us, as a community of women, to re-write those narratives. 
We'll begin with a short guided meditation practice to calm the mind and begin to reflect on your inner monologue around the topic, and any patterns of negativity you want to work on changing.  Next, you'll spend some time with your journal, exploring the thoughts and ideas that came up for you. Then you'll pair up with a buddy and discuss. Finally, we'll reconvene as a group to share and discuss the common themes that will inevitably arise, and brainstorm ways that we can support each other as a community and re-write this narrative together in each of our own lives. 

A Note From Alia

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